

***D’Ann Renner is fantastic!  The words “honest,” “funny” and “wise” come to mind when thinking about her.  Taking everyday challenges and celebrated victories, D’Ann weaves wise teaching and entertaining stories together in the best of ways.  Her honesty, coupled with great humility, makes her hugely relatable and engaging.  Each time I have heard her speak, I walk away feeling like I was in a conversation rather than at a “lecture.”  I will never tire of hearing D’Ann bring her wit and humor to bear upon my crazy life as a special needs mom.  She brings perspective to my crises and makes me laugh away my sorrows. Laurie Van Cleave, Founder, Supermoms laurie.vc@gmail.com

***I want to express my sincere thanks for the work that you are doing with families of special needs children.  As a speaker, I love how you address the needs of parents in a way that is both informative and humorous…I enjoyed watching the faces of the Moms as they heard your deep understanding of their challenges as moms of special needs children.  Your 15 years of experience as the mother of a child with special needs gives hope, confidence and joy to the wonderful job that God has placed in their lives.

Your knowledge of resources and programs in the community was noted by several participants as being central to the effectiveness of special needs education.  You encourage these families with your ease and comfort and I appreciate you so very much… Marti Vogt, Crisis Ministry Coordinator/Support Groups, mvogt@mindspring.com

***I can’t thank you enough for coming and speaking to us last week. I’ve heard a lot of talks and read a lot of articles from the parents of autistic children, but your presentation had a sense of balance and proportion that is just plain lacking from many other sources. So few parent advocates are willing to actually work with the school system and understand their limits. It is a hard balance to achieve and so few seem to even try. I admire your attitude of patience and wisdom rather than hysterics and entitlement.

I was also touched by your dedication to family. It is so easy to become obsessed with helping a child with special needs. I have seen so many just focus on the one child …then wonder why their family falls apart. ..children on the spectrum… NEED a stable home life for a foundation to understand and deal with the world. ..Seeing what is necessary for the long haul instead of focusing exclusively on the current or comming crisis is a hard skill, but an essential one. Please continue your work and continue blessing the lives that you touch. John Mark McDonald, Autism Advocate  scintor@aol.com

I am comfortable speaking from twenty minutes to two hours, to intimate gatherings or large crowds. My delivery style has been described as humor-dipped truth. I cover a wide variety of topics, and can customize a talk for your particular audience. Previous talks include:

  • Harvesting Growth From Adversity
  • Parenting: If You Need to Know Anything, Ask My Teenager
  • SuperMom Survival Skills
  • God, Me, and My Special Needs Child
  • We’re All Special Needs
  • In Search of the Silver Bullet
  • Losing Control
  • Swimsuit Model, Surgeon, and SuperMom
  • Everyone’s a Marketer
  • Business Ethics

To book D’Ann for a speaking engagement, please fill out the form below: