Conference Funnies

I picked these up at a conference I spoke at recently:

BUT WHAT TYPE OF POUND CAKE WAS IT? (From a lady with Asperger’s Syndrome)
“A friend talked me into going with her to visit a friend of hers. I didn’t really want to go- I was hungry, but she dragged me with her. So her friend starts telling this long involved story about how her grandmother died. The grandmother was taking a pound cake across the street to a neighbor when she was hit by a truck. So I asked ‘Was it a sour cream pound cake?’ There was a long silence, then the friend said she didn’t know what type of pound cake it was. The conversation died and we left very quickly after that. When we got to the car, my friend started SCREAMING at me. ‘Was it a sour cream pound cake? What the heck type of question is that to ask a woman whose grandmother has just been run over by a truck? What were you thinking?’ It had seemed important to me, but evidently it wasn’t something I should have asked. I have Asperger’s, and I don’t always get this stuff. So now, ‘Sour cream pound cake’ is a code phrase for when I don’t get social things.”

DO IT HERE (From a teacher)
“A young man with autism got sick and threw up at recess. I was helping him clean up when he said ‘I need to go to the bathroom.’ I said, “Oh, don’t worry about making it to the bathroom, just do it here.’ So he pulled down his pants and pooped.”

DID YOU ASK WHY? (From a mother)
“My son, who has autism, was going to school for the first time, in a classroom of “normal” children. They went outside at PE, all dressed in PE shorts. All the sudden, my son removed his shorts. Pandemonium ensued, and I got a three page letter from the teacher. ‘Son,’ I asked, ‘why did you take off your shorts?’ He replied ‘Because a bee had flown up my leg into them and I was afraid it would sting me.’ The teacher never bothered to ask, just assumed it was an autistic thing. It was a bee thing. That’s when I decided to become a special education teacher. It was obvious they needed me.”

Categories: Blog, Funny In the Rear View Mirror, Special Needs


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